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Chapter Recruitment

Hi, my name is Miranda and I am Kappa’s Vice President of Membership. Primary recruitment is one of the most exciting times of the year for Kappa because it means we get to welcome a new member class into our chapter. We spend all year preparing for recruitment and the excitement only builds as it comes closer to the day that our new members get to run home to Kappa. After two and a half years in this Panhellenic chapter, I have found the experience to be better than what I could have ever imagined. The amount of Panhellenic women I connected with through the recruitment process and within my own chapter has allowed me to blossom into the person I am today. By joining Kappa, I have met the kindest, most genuine, and most supportive women who not only are around to create lifelong memories, but will stick by you when you need them. We look forward to seeing you in the fall and we wish you the best of luck during Primary Recruitment!

If you are interested in going through Formal Recruitment please visit (  for more information and to register.
 We look forward to meeting you!